
Fecc’s Members are Top Priority

14.05.2012 -

One For All - An efficient chemical distribution sector plays a key role in enhancing the competitiveness of the chemicals industry.

The European Association of Chemical Distributors (Fecc) and its members contribute to innovation in Europe and add value in the supply chain, by meeting the demands of over one million downstream users ranging from automotive, electronics, paint and lacquers, construction to pharmaceutical, food and cosmetics industries, each with their own specific needs.

Facing a still challenging world economy, Fecc has managed to sustain its membership while expanding its area of work to meet the challenges that today's chemical distribution industry faces. Fecc represents and supports the collective interests of its members through its various working committees. These working groups provide extensive information on trade related matters, current and proposed legislation such as REACH and CLP implementation and represent members in certain cases before the European institutions.

Business Volatility

Increasing volatility in the business environment is touching all players. Business has been affected by a wide range of issues, such as social and political unrest in the Middle East, and financial and economic instability in Europe and elsewhere. Fecc however, expects the positive trends in the chemical distribution industry to continue, as most of the members report encouraging results for 2011 and the first quarter of 2012.
Despite of some sensitive issues, that may still have a significant impact on the chemical distribution industry, like the effects of exchange rate, the impact of increased raw material prices and other ongoing challenges for the European economy, Fecc and its members remain fully committed to both regulatory and voluntary initiatives.

REACH and CLP Implementation

After successfully meeting the challenging deadlines of December 2010 and January 2011 for both REACH and CLP implementation, the industry has moved on to an implementation phase. Fecc ‘s work however does not stop here and it's now focused on the preparation for the 2013 REACH deadline. The association's advice to the industry is to continue to dedicate resources to comply with the challenges linked to these regulations, like the managing of information in the extended safety data sheets. In line with Fecc's commitment to assist members in the best way, a guidance document to raise awareness and provide suggestions to manage the next REACH deadline has been developed.

Fecc continues to play an important role in the REACH debate as its experts continue to monitor the REACH review process, for example by participating in the relevant studies launched by the European Commission. Considering the learning stage we are in, Fecc believes that it's very unlikely that the Commission launches a revision of the REACH regulation as such.

Nevertheless, these are not the only regulatory challenges our industry faces. To name a few, the Seveso Directive, the Explosive Precursors Regulation and the CBRN Action list, are some of the regulations currently under negotiations by the European institutions.

Partnerships and Strategic Alliances

Fecc strives to continuously increase the benefits for its members, since the implementation of the 2011 -2014 strategy, a new set of partnerships and strategic alliances have strengthened the distributors' relationships with the other actors within in the supply chain. Working together has proved beneficial, as the recently launched EXCiPACT exemplifies. The voluntary international scheme aims to enhance patient safety, through supplier quality, while minimising the overall supply chain costs for excipient suppliers and their users by providing an independent third party certification of manufacturers, suppliers and distributors of pharmaceutical excipients worldwide.

The chemical distribution industry represented by Fecc is constantly involved in voluntary initiatives that lead to an improved sector. The dialogue between chemical manufacturers and distributors on the responsible handling and use of chemicals is essential to the industry. Responsible Care demonstrates the chemicals distributors' commitment to continuous improvement in HSE standards, and Fecc believes that an improved and more harmonized framework for Responsible Care will ultimately lead to a general increase in its adaptation throughout the sector.

Interaction within the industry and across the supply chain is of great importance, to help on this matter Fecc strives to offer their members networking opportunities with other industry leaders, key stakeholders and representatives from the European institutions. This is possible thanks to the annual congress and membership meeting, as well as other events like seminars and workshops.

Fecc Annual Congress

Over the years, the Fecc Annual Congress has become a recognized key event where the chemical distribution industry comes together to discuss the most current issues within the industry. It is clear that concepts like sustainability, environment, renewable energy, green procurement, have become an important part of daily business. Both public and private sector dedicate vast resources to the various aspects that these concepts cover, and the chemical industry is not different. Fecc believes that it is time to go further and turn targets into real change, which is why this year the theme of the congress is: "Sustainable and responsible distribution: the formula for success".

Most of today's market leaders are those who had the foresight to recognize the changing landscape in the business world. With the session "Why sustainability should be part of your business strategy", Fecc aims to emphasize the link between sustainability, high performance and opportunity. As chemical distributors have a privileged position in the supply chain, the close relationship with both manufacturers' and downstream users will be the focus of the session "Chemical Distribution Industry Landscape".

Each year outstanding speakers lead delegates to identify new business opportunities. The session "Doing Business with the Pharma Sector" will provide insight on what the sector expects from distributors. Knowing the customers' needs, is the first step to building a successful relationship, but being able to deliver on them demands a high level of commitment from the companies. The session "Human Resources" will advise how to use passion as a driver for excellence.

It is now clear that the industry has to face various regulatory challenges and it must never stop preparing. The session "Legislation and your Business" aims at helping companies prepare to comply with the variety of legislation and the effects these may entail.
As European chemical distributors increasingly operate on a global scale, trade policy issues move up in the agenda. Regulatory issues will remain a top priority for the chemical distribution industry, as well as the active promotion of Responsible Care.



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