
Merck KGaA Buys Minolta OLED Display Patents

27.04.2020 -

German pharmaceuticals, chemicals and Life Science group Merck has acquired Konica Minolta’s entire OLED patent portfolio for display applications for an undisclosed sum.

The takeover is of the portfolio comprising more than 700 patent families is effective immediately.

“Adding Konica Minolta’s patents to our already strong portfolio will further boost our OLED development pipeline”, said Kai Beckmann, member of the executive board of Merck KGaA and CEO of Performance Materials.

“With this step we will further strengthen our power to drive innovations in the fast-growing market of OLED displays, Beckmann added.”

The Darmstadt-based group counts itself among the leading OLED material suppliers, with more than 15 years of research and development and production in the field.


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