Information Technology

Accelrys' Materials Studio: A Comprehensive Materials Modeling and Simulation Application

Discover how to streamline your innovation cycle and drive better, faster results with Materials Studio - a comprehensive materials modeling and simulation application designed for scientists in chemicals and materials R&D, as well as pharmaceutical development.

With Materials Studio, you can improve product and process quality by rationalizing behavior and designing improvements while reducing costs through "in-silico screening" that focuses experimentation on productive pathways.

Materials Studio reduces the time needed to solve complex calculations with:

  • Industry-leading graphical user environments
  • State-of-the-art simulation technology from quantum to atomistic to mesoscale
  • Powerful statistical tools for structure-property relationships

Materials Studio provides a comprehensive set of scientific capabilities for modeling crystal structure and crystallization processes; for property prediction for molecules, polymers, catalysts, and other materials; and for the development of structure-activity relationships.

With Materials Studio you can:

  • Reduce the number of costly and often lengthy experiments needed to bring a product to market
  • Minimize the time needed to set up and solve complex calculations
  • Make well-informed decisions in research on a wide range of systems including catalysts, polymers, specialty chemicals, advanced materials and drug development

Learn more about Materials Studio:



Accelrys Ltd. - European Headquarters

334 Science Park
CB4 0WN Cambridge

+44 1223 228 500
+44 1223 228 501

Accelrys Inc. - Corporate Headquarters

10188 Telesis Court, Suite 100
San Diego, CA 92121

+1 858 799 5000
+1 858 799 5100

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