Keyword: European Chemicals Agency (ECHA)


ECHA to Recommend Workplace Exposure Limits

21.02.2019 - As part of an agreement with the EU Commission, the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA), the body that administrates REACH, will provide regular recommendations for occupational...

Markets & Companies

Chemical Industry Welcomes Brexit Deal but Holds its Breath

29.11.2018 - The UK chemical industry was quick to support a draft UK-European Union Brexit withdrawal agreement when it was published in mid-November. “We have given it a cautious welcome,”...


CEFIC Pleased With Draft Brexit Deal

23.11.2018 - In an initial reaction to news on Nov. 22 that the UK and the EU have sealed a draft agreement on Brexit, the European Chemical Industry Council (CEFIC) said it was pleased with...


England’s NHS sets Brexit Ultimatum

27.08.2018 - The National Health Service (NHS) in England has given drugmakers and manufacturers of medical devices until Sept. 10 to advise on how they will stockpile their products made in...


Last REACH Registration Period Completed

05.06.2018 - The last registration period for existing chemicals under the EU’s REACH chemicals legislation was completed on May 31. Over the 10-year period, 21 551 substances currently sold on...


CEFIC Comments on the European Commission’s REACh Review

10.03.2018 - The European Chemical Industry Council (CEFIC) issued a statement commenting on the publication on March 5, 2018 of the European Commission’s REACh review (REACh Refit evaluation)...


ECHA Publishes Progress Report 2017

01.03.2018 - The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) has published its annual progress report on evaluation under REACh which includes also a 10 years overview: safety information on chemicals is...


Restricted Chemicals Found in Consumer Products

14.02.2018 - An inspection by the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) has found hundreds of consumer products containing chemicals that are restricted under REACH legislation. The investigation by...