Keyword: Nord Stream


US Shale Gas Firms Merge as Energy Prices Soar

08.03.2022 -

After two years of relative quiet on the drilling front between the market glut and the coronavirus pandemic, US interest in shale is picking up again as energy prices...


Wintershall and Gazprom to Expand Nordstream

03.08.2015 - Wintershall, the oil and gas subsidiary BASF, and Russian gas conglomerate Gazprom have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to expand capacity of the Nord Stream pipeline...


BASF's Wingas Opens Dutch Office

28.04.2011 - German gas marketing joint venture Wingas on Wednesday opened an office in Dutch Rijswijk near The Hague to expand its sales in the Benelux region, it said in a statement. Wingas...