Keyword: Bachem

Chemistry & Life Sciences

Expanding Into Oligonucleotides

04.12.2020 -

The global market for oligonucleotide therapeutics is expanding rapidly. Bachem, an innovation-driven company based in Bubendorf, Switzerland, has entered this...

Strategy & Management

The Importance of Innovation for Future Success

16.09.2020 -

Innovative strength has been a cornerstone of Bachem’s business success since the founding nearly 50 years ago. Günther Loidl, Chief Technology Officer for Bachem Holding...


Bachem and Jitsubo in Licensing Agreement

11.05.2020 -

Swiss CDMO Bachem has signed an exclusive licensing agreement to use the liquid phase peptide manufacturing technology Molecular Hiving developed by Japan’s Jitsubo.

Research & Innovation

Biomade Peptides

09.09.2019 - Peptides make up around 8% of all active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs). Those molecules are short polymers formed from the linking of ≤100 amino acids. They comprise some of...


Bachem: Anne-Kathrin Stoller to assume CMO position as of 2018

04.12.2017 -

Swiss biochemicals company Bachem announced that Dr. Anne-Kathrin Stoller will succeed Dr. José de Chastonay as Chief Marketing Officer of the organization on January 1...

Research & Innovation

Experts Statements: Dr. Ralph O. Schoenleber, Bachem

12.12.2016 -

Despite tremendous challenges facing the pharmaceutical industry, it continues with its commitment to innovation and the discovery of novel drugs to address unmet medical...

Research & Innovation

The Winning Formula

06.12.2016 - Despite tremendous challenges facing the pharmaceutical industry, it continues with its commitment to innovation and the discovery of novel drugs to address unmet medical needs...

Trends in Chemical & Pharmaceutical Research

26.09.2016 - Despite tremendous challenges facing the pharmaceutical industry, it continues with its commitment to innovation and the discovery of novel drugs to address unmet medical needs...